Holiday Lights Camel

Standing Camel Light Display C7 LED 7 ft. high

Item #75827

Holiday Lights Camel

Holiday Standing Standing Camel Display lit with commercial grade C7 LED lights......Read More


Fixed shipping cost of $51.50 will be added to your order in 48 contiguous US states only. (Canadian provinces see shipping tab below)

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To pre-order, please call 888 900 2073.

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Stage the perfect LED nativity display with this Holiday Lighting Specialists LED Standing Camel from the Holiday Lights Nativity Display. Constructed by hand with 104 commercial-grade C7 LED lights in eye-catching yellow and white, this lighted camel is ideal for homes, businesses and churches. You may easily install this figure into the ground and secure it with the included guy wires or place it on any solid, flat surface with one floor stand from Christmas Night Inc.

  • Display size: H 5.4' W 7'
  • Weighs 14 pounds
  • Uses .79 amps and 95 watts
  • Five-season limited warranty
  • Shipping weight: 18 pounds
  • Made in Canada
  • Fixed shipping to 48 contiguous United States

Use your shipping cartons for safe storage between seasons.

For customers in Canadian Provinces shipping of US$51.50 plus 5% GST will be added to order.

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Layaway Request

Christmas Night wants to make it easier for you to have our beautiful nativities and large christmas figures...

Simply call us and tell us which set or figure(s) you want, which down payment option you choose and which payment term alternative works for you.

We will determine the total cost of your order, including shipping, take your deposit, by Visa, MasterCard or check and confirm the payment term. This will all be entered into a confirming order/receipt which will be emailed to you. A new receipt will be issued when each payment is made.

We will contact you each month for another agreed payment until the order is fully paid when we will then ship you your order.

Our plan calls for a minimum down payment of up to 25% of the total order, including shipping. Maximum payment term is six months.

A plan, once begun, cannot be terminated without our express written consent. Down payments are not refundable and monthly payments are refundable at our discretion
